Options Bar
In HOLOPHONIX 2.2, you can hide the option bar. Click the arrow to hide the header, and click again to restore it. When opening a new display, the option bar is automatically hidden.
Processor Status Monitoring
The color dots on the left of the options bar offers information about the HOLOPHONIX processor status.
Network Status
The leftmost dot shows the network status. Click on the dot to monitor the network load, by showing the number of network frames exchanged at t time.
It is green under normal circumstances, and red when the network connection with the processor is lost.
Audio Engine & CPU Status
The rightmost dot indicates the Audio Engine status. Click on the dot to display, in %, the CPU load used by the audio engine.
It is green under normal circumstances, orange with high CPU loads, and red in case of an audio engine error.
It is recommended not to exceed 50%.
Please note that the this dot indicates CPU load if you are using HOLOPHONIX Native. If you are using a HOLOPHONIX processor, you are not using the processor’s GPU processing power. Therefore, this lower dot would indicate DSP load.
File Menu
Use the File menu to manage your Preset and Projects.
Project Manager
From the project manager, you can create, import and export, rename, and delete projects. Click on Load to open a project. You can also see the creation and modification dates.
Default Project
Choose the Project that will be automatically loaded at startup, click on the star icon in front of the desired project.
Preset Manager
From the preset manager, you can create, import and export, rename, and delete presets. Click on Load to open a preset. You can also see the creation and modification date.
Default Preset
Choose the Preset that will be automatically loaded at startup, click on the star icon in front of the desired preset.
Locked Preset
Presets that are locked can't be modified or deleted. You can use the 'Save As' function to create a copy of the locked preset.
Edit Menu
Copy / Paste
Use these functions to copy all the settings of an object and apply them to another object.
You can only copy and paste settings from elements of the same class (for example, you can not copy settings from a speaker and paste them to a virtual source).
Undo / Redo
Use these buttons to cancel (undo) or reinstate (redo) actions.
Some actions, such as deleting a Source, a Bus, or a Speaker cannot be canceled.
Transform Options
For more information about the Transform Modes, check the dedicated section in the Venue page.
Delete Selection
With the 'Delete Selection' menu option you can delete Source, Bus or Speakers from your preset, based on your selection. Check which items are selected in the inspector header before deleting them.
Add Menu
Use this menu to add Sources, Bus, or Speakers to the Preset.
Add Source
Choose the Source Family and Source Type to create. Most of the time, you will be using Mono virtual sources.
You can choose to add custom, or surround layouts of sources.
- Custom
- Surround
Choose Custom Layout to design unique setups that do not match any of the standardised multichannel configurations.
Most of the time, you will be using mono virtual sources using this tab.
Use the field Quantity of Elements to define how many sources you want to add.
The Layout drop-down menu will let you choose if you want to create them in line, in arc, or in circle.
Finally, you can choose to the reference point, and the inter-element distance, meaning how spaced out you want your sources to be within your configuration.
Choose Surround Layout to design setups that correspond to standardised surround configurations as defined by the ITU.
This tab is useful if you want to work with surround recordings, like 5.0 beds for example.
Use the Atmos Source Layout drop-down menu to choose your custom configurations.
You can also choose the reference point and the opening width.
Add Bus
Choose the spatialization algorithm that most fits your setup. If you have any doubt about which algorithm to use, or how to set them up, visit the Spatialization Bus section.
If you have created Speaker Groups, you can select your Group during the bus creation process. This will automatically adjust the number of channels of the bus, and will assign the Bus Outputs to the Speakers.
With Manual mode, enter the Number of Channels of your bus (corresponding to the number of loudspeakers that you will assign to the bus).
Add Speaker
When adding multiple loudspeakers at once, you can group them directly in the "Add Speaker" menu. This will help later with routing. If you are not sure whether you need to group your speakers at creation or not, you can always edit the Speaker Groups later.
You can choose to add custom, or surround layouts of speakers.
- Custom
- Surround
Choose Custom Layout to design unique setups that do not match any of the standardised surround configurations.
Most of the time, live shows require non-traditional speaker setups that are best designed using this tab.
Use the field Quantity of Elements to define how many speakers you want to add.
The Layout drop-down menu will let you choose if you want to create them in line, in arc, or in circle. Most of the time, you will use in line or in arc when working with WFS.
Finally, you can choose to the reference point, and the inter-element distance, meaning how spaced out you want your speakers to be within your configuration.
Choose Surround Layout to design setups that correspond to standardised surround configurations as defined by the ITU.
This tab is useful if you want to work with Dolby Atmos setups for immersive installations or in your studio.
Use the Atmos Speaker Layout drop-down menu to choose your custom configurations. You can find more information about each option at “”///“”
You can also choose the reference point and the opening width.
Display Menu
Interface display options
From this menu, you can add a new display to control HOLOPHONIX, for example on another monitor. You can also toggle the Full Screen Cmd + F, or Zoom In Cmd + + and Out Cmd + -.
You can also set it to 100% with Cmd + 0.
Interface Theme
Choose between the Dark or Light themes depending on your environment. The default Dark theme is convenient for discretion in indoor venues, whereas the Light theme enhances visibility in outdoor environments.
Venue display options
Adjust the display settings of the objects in the venue, such as the global Size, or the global Labels. For more detailed settings, you can also adjust the size of each object individually in the Inspector, via the Object Tab of your Speaker or Virtual Source.
Four display modes are offered:
- OFF no levels are displayed in the Venue
- BAR standard VU-meter bars are displayed alongside the objects
- SQUARE color-changing dots are displayed alongside the objects
- COLOR the object's colors are replaced by the VU-meter color indication
You can also choose between the following VU-meters position:
- PRE displays the received signal directly after the audio input
- POST displays the signal sent to the panning
If no input or output is routed to the Source or Speaker, then no VU-Meter is displayed alongside the object.
Grid, Drawing, and Models
From this menu you can access quick display settings for the Grid, the 2D Drawings and 3D Models. To import a 3D Model or 2D Drawings of your venue, open the Venue Preferences.
Transform Mode
For more information about the Transform Modes, check the dedicated section in the Venue page
Mixer display options
Adjust the display settings of the channels in the mixer, such as the Channel Size or the VU Meters.
Camera Menu
Camera View
In the Venue, the predefined and custom views allow for quick access to specific visualization angles. Four predefined orientations are available :
- TOP view
- SIDE view
- FRONT view
- ISO (perspective) view
Three additional custom views can be stored in memory. To save a new custom view, maintain the Shift key pressed and click on the custom view to save.
You can recall the four predefined views with the following shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + [0 - 3].
The three custom views can be recalled with the same logic: Ctrl + Shift + [3 - 6].
Camera Mode
Orthographic mode maintains the proportion of the objects wherever they are placed in the 3D environment.Perspective mode offers a more natural visualization of the 3D environment.Venue orientation
The Venue can be freely moved with the mouse, by using the following key combinations:
- Adjusting the viewing angle: Ctrl + click & move
- Moving the Venue: Alt + click & move
- Zoom in and out with your mouse wheel or your trackpad.
Window Menu
From the Window Menu, you can toggle the display of the different windows, such as the Mixer of the Venue.
This is an alternative to the Dock, which is a more convenient way to access those windows.
Contextual options
Solo Clear
When a SOLO is active on one or multiple sources, the SOLO CLEAR button will appear in the Option Bar.
Click on it to disable any active solos.
Mixer contextual options
If the Mixer window is in full-screen, you will have access from the Option bar to the display options of faders and Vu-Meters.