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Coordinates System

Coordinate Systems

With HOLOPHONIX, there are two ways to define an object’s (source or speaker) spatial position in relation to its origin: with navigational coordinates ("a,e,d"-type) or with Cartesian coordinates ("x,y,z"-type).


Using the Cartesian coordinates , the object’s position is given on the following axes:

  • X: left to right,
  • Y: rear to front,
  • Z: bottom to top.

They are all expressed in meteres and range from -100m to +100m.

cartesian coordinatescartesian coordinates

Using the Navigational Coordinates , the object’s position is defined with:

  • the Azimuth: the object’s horizontal angle, in degrees — [-180°, +180°].
  • the Elevation: the object’s vertical angle, in degrees — [-180°, +180°].
  • the Distance: the physical length between the object and the origin, in meters — [-100m, +100m].
navigational coordinatesnavigational coordinates

3D Orientation

The orientation of 3D objects (virtual sources and speakers), can be modified on the following rotation axes:

  • Pan: horizontal orientation, around the vertical z-axis,
  • Tilt: vertical orientation, around the transverse y-axis,
  • Rotatebutton: sets the lateral angle of the 3D object to 90°

Rotation Angles

The rotation of an Ambisonic stream can be modified on the following rotation axes:

  • Yaw: horizontal orientation, around the vertical z-axis,
  • Pitch: vertical orientation, around the transverse y-axis,
  • Roll: lateral orientation, around the lateral x-axis.

Values entered on the [0°, 360°] scale will be automatically converted to the [-180°, +180] scale.