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Coordinates System

Coordinate Systems

With HOLOPHONIX, there are two ways to define an object’s (source or speaker) spatial position in relation to its origin: with navigational coordinates ("a,e,d"-type) or with Cartesian coordinates ("x,y,z"-type).

Using the navigational coordinates , the object’s position is given by its azimuth (the object’s horizontal angle), elevation (vertical angle) and distance. Azimuth and elevation are given in degrees, distance in meters.

Using the Cartesian coordinates , the object’s position is given on the following axes: x (left-right), y (front-rear), and z (top-bottom), all distances are expressed in meters.

3D Orientation

The orientation of 3D objects (virtual sources and speakers), can be modified on the following rotation axes:

  • Pan: horizontal orientation, around the vertical z-axis,
  • Tilt: vertical orientation, around the transverse y-axis,
  • Rotatebutton: sets the lateral angle of the 3D object to 90°

Rotation Angles

The rotation of an Ambisonic stream can be modified on the following rotation axes:

  • Yaw: horizontal orientation, around the vertical z-axis,
  • Pitch: vertical orientation, around the transverse y-axis,
  • Roll: lateral orientation, around the lateral x-axis.

Values entered on the [0°, 360°] scale will be automatically converted to the [-180°, +180] scale.