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The Inspector displays the settings for all the following elements:

  • Sources & Direct-routings
  • Spatialization Bus
  • Speakers
  • Master Bus
  • Bass management (LFE)
  • Monitoring Bus

You can hide the inspector with the arrow located on its left edge. To restore it its original size, click on that same arrow.


NEW: Pin feature

Within the search bar, on the left, you will see the Pin icon. Activating the Pin unlinks the Inspector from the selection in the Venue. Pinning an element therefore forces the Inspector to display its page, even if you select another element in the venue. This is very useful when you want to tweak a Spatialization Bus’ parameters while moving a source, for example.

At the very top of the Inspector, you will find the search bar, which allows you to pick the elements you wish to select. Press the Shift key to select multiple elements.

The Inspector is then divided into two sections: the header, and the tab section.

  • The Header displays a basic overview of your current selection, or the overview of the Master if nothing is selected.
  • The Tab section displays additional parameters based on the contextual tab you have selected at the very bottom of the inspector.

The components of the header and parameter sections are detailed in the following sections.

Header Section

Based on your current selection, the header section will look different.

Main Page

When nothing is selected, the header displays what we call the “Main Page”, with the general parameters of the Master, including its EQ and Dynamic options.


Element Selection

New keyboard shortcut to cycle through the inspector

With HOLOPHONIX 2.1.5, you can now use Shift + Left Arrow or Right Arrow to cycle through the inspector selection.

  • Whether you have selected a Speaker, a Source, or a Spatialization Bus, the upper part of the Header will always show essential elements for easy identification.

  • The lower part of the Header depends on your selection. In the example below (a stereo Source), all of the possible parameters you can encounter are shown.

Check the Sources, Speakers, and Bus page to learn more about the specific Header parameters for each element.


You can edit and/or export & import the most of the element’s parameters from the Overview.

Header - Identification Elements


This field displays the name of the selected element. You can edit the name directly from this field.


Use this button to lock an element and prevent it from being edited throughout the preset. However, even if an element is locked, it can still be edited with Open Sound Control messages.


Click on the color dot to change the selected element's color. The selected color will be applied to the element's display through the different windows of the interface.

You can simply pick a predefined color from the color palette, or use a custom color setting. To set a custom color, first use the Hue slider to choose a primary color, then adjust it with the gradient box.

You can also use the RGB values or hexadecimal color code fields to set the color. They are convenient when you need to copy a color to another element.

OSC Address

This field shows the selected element's OSC Address to use when you want to control a parameter of that element. You can refer to the Open Sound Control section for more details.


If you perform a multiple selection that includes both Sources and Speakers, you will be prompted to choose between addressing the multiple Sources, or the multiple Speakers.

If you have performed a compatible multi-selection (only source tracks, only speakers, an existing group), the OSC address will incorporate the correct syntax.

Tab Section

This section displays additional parameters for your selection, and is organised based on the tabs located at the very bottom of the inspector. According to what you have currently selected, different tabs will appear, giving you access to the full range of parameters for your master or selection.

Main Page

When you are viewing the main page (if you have no selection), there is only one available tab: Master. It lists all of the buses in your preset.


Source Selection

If you have selected a Source, four tabs are available: Audio, Object, Reverb, and Sends.


To learn more about the Inspector parameters of each tab, you can check:



The Audio tab shows parameters related to audio: Trim, Phase, Air, Doppler, Delay, Link & Unlink, and EQs and Dynamics. You can also perform Quick Routing | Input to Source from there.


The Object tab shows parameters related to the appearance of the Source: 3D model, Colour, Label Visibility and Object Visibility, Size, Pan, Tilt, and Auto-Orientation.


The Reverb tab shows parameters to adjust your Source’s behaviour with the Reverberation engine : Direct Gain, Reverb Send, Close to Far Slider and more parameters in advanced settings.

Please note that the Reverberation Engine is associated to all of your busses in your preset. This means that this tab applies the Reverb parameters for your Source to all of the Busses.


The Sends tab shows parameters relevant to the busses to which your Source is sent. You can perform quick bus routing, adjust the LFE send or mute it, and adjust the Send, Delay, and Mute options for the different busses to which your source is routed.

Speaker Selection

If you have selected a Speaker, two tabs are available: Object, and Sends. The Reverb tab is greyed out because it is not relevant to speakers.


To learn more about the Inspector parameters of each tab, check the Speaker page of the documentation.



The Object tab shows parameters related to the appearance of the Speaker: 3D model, colour, label and visibility, size, pan, tilt, and auto-orientation.


The Sends tab lets you perform quick routing to the Outputs and adjust the EQ and delay for each.

Bus Selection

If you have selected a Bus, four tabs are available: Audio, Bus Algorithm, Reverb, and Speakers.


To learn more about the Inspector parameters of each tab, check the Bus page of the documentation.



The Audio tab shows parameters related to audio: Trim, Delay, and EQs and Dynamics. You can also perform quick Source to Bus routing, to choose which Sources are going into the Bus.

Bus Algorithm

The Algorithm tab shows parameters to adjust the algorithm used in the current Bus. The available parameters will therefore be very different based on your choice.

You can find a list of the different spatialization algorithm to learn more about their specific parameters.


The Reverb tab shows global settings for the Reverberation engine along with settings for the associated Bus. For more information, check the Reverberation section of the documentation.


The Speakers tab lets your perform quick Bus to Speaker routing, and gives you access to “Speakers Parameters” if you want to edit the loudspeaker’s position, gain, and delay within this bus, exclusively. To learn more about it, check the Speakers Parameters.