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The Venue is a 3D interface for visualizing and editing the Sources and Speakers positioning. The spatialization algorithms rely on the position of the sources and the speakers to perform the automatic audio rendering.

Venue visualization

To help you position the Sources and Speakers correctly, you can import the 2D Drawings or 3D Model to the venue. Check this section to learn how to import them.

Use the Visibility Menu if you want to single out groups of virtual sources to display.

Right-Click Contextual Menu

From a right-click in the Venue, you can perform multiple tasks, depending on the context:

  • Add or delete Sources, Bus and Speakers,
  • Change the Grid display options
  • Select a transformation mode (see Objects Manipulation)
  • Create a group from selection
  • etc.

Moving Objects

HOLOPHONIX offers an advanced positioning tool, for precise control of the objects in 3D. When you click on the objects, the positioning tool that appears allows for the following handling:

  • use the arrows to move the source on a specific axis,
  • use the square in between axis to move the source in a specific plan.

For example, if you place your cursor on the square corresponding to the horizontal plane, when you move the source, only it X and Y or Azimuth and Distance coordinates will change. No elevation will be applied to the source.

Multiple Selection

To select multiple objects in the Venue, click and drag a selection box around the area containing the objects to select or hold down the Shift key and click on the objects you want to select.

With the Transform and Arrange tools, you can manipulative in many ways your selection of Sources and/or Speakers.


Three transform modes are available when a multiple selection is performed. To switch between modes, you can use the right-click contextual menu, or the Display menu.


This is the default transformation mode, described in this section.
The rotation mode allows applying 3D rotations to a source (when the transformation reference is set to the center), or to a group of objects. Use red, green and blue circles to move the sources or speakers along a specific rotation axis.
The external yellow circle applies a rotation in the display plane (controlled by the Venue Orientation#venue-orientation)). If you are set to the Top View, then the rotation will occur in the (x,y) plane. However, if you are set to the perspective view or to any 3D-viewing angle, the yellow external circle will apply a diagonal, oblique rotation.
This transformation mode is only useful when multiple sources or speakers are selected. It allows changing the scaling of the selection. Use the different axis to scale the multiple selection, or use the plane scaling by clicking on the square in between two axes.


The center of the transformation will be the barycenter of the multiple selection.
The center of the transformation will be the center of the Venue.

For example:

  • To apply a scaling to a multiple selection of sources, use the scaling mode with reference set to 'Local',
  • To apply a rotation around the venue to a source or a multiple selection of sources, use the rotation mode with the reference set to 'Center'.


When multiple Sources or Speakers are selected, you can use the Arrangement menu from the right click menu to quickly arrange the objects in a line, a circle or a sphere.

For more advanced modes, you can use the Arrange Selection section of the Inspector to position the objects in a line, an arc or a sphere.