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Advanced Settings


In HOLOPHONIX 2.2, you can no longer activate the Advanced Settings from the Option bar. You can however choose to display them for individual elements by clicking Show Advanced Settings when available. You can activate the advanced settings for the whole preset from the Preference Window.

When advanced settings are activated, you will see more options in the Inspector for the following elements:

  • WFS and HOA buses, in the Algorithm Tab.
  • All buses, in the Reverb tab.
  • In the Speaker Tab of the Routing Window

This option only controls the display of settings. Therefore, if you apply advanced settings to a parameter and then go back to Standard Settings, the parameter will keep its advanced setting.


Throughout the documentation, the parameters accessible in Advanced Settings mode will be indicated by the badge * after their name.

For example, in the HOA Spatialization Bus page of the documentation, Level Compensation is available in Advanced Settings, unlike Decoder Type :

Decoder Type

Level Compensation *

Choose the element to be displayed in the inspector with one of the following options:

  • Use the dropdown menu
  • Use the search bar to find objects by their Name or OSC Address
  • Select the objects in the Venue, Mixer or Overview
  • Use the navigation arrows to select the previous or the next element in the inspector's list
  • You can select multiple elements by maintaining the Shift key pressed.


What is the Dock?


In HOLOPHONIX 2.2, we introduce the Dock to improve your workflow. This replaces the Window menu in previous versions.

Located at the bottom of the Interface, the Dock is a convenient way to access the different windows of HOLOPHONIX.

  • You can toggle the display of the Venue, Groups, Mixer, Overview, Routing, Settings windows as you click on the different sections of the Dock.
  • When windows are displayed in full-screen, the Dock will incorporate the relevant Window’s tabs.

Visibility Menu


In HOLOPHONIX 2.2, we introduce the Visibility Menu menu. Located in the dock, it acts as a filter to perform “visual solo” in both the Mixer and the Venue. As you hover over it, the menu will list all of the groups and categories for which you can toggle the visibility on or off.

How it works

The visibility menu is a useful tool to quickly visualise your groups and categories.

  • In the Venue, it acts as a filter to display your virtual source groups.
  • In the Mixer, it acts as a filter to display both your source groups, and different global categories (Source, Bus). The filter selection is linked to both the Venue and the Mixer.

If you choose to display one group in the Venue, the Mixer will display this group only. As busses, Direct to Master and Ambisonics sources are not physically visible in the Venue, you can only filter them in the Mixer.


Selecting a group or category to display will not apply a solo to its signal. It will only visually single it out in the Venue and/or Mixer.

Window Management

All windows (Venue, Groups, Mixer, Overview, Routing, Settings) can be accessed via the Window Menu and the Dock. It can either be accessed as a floating window, as a full-screen window, or a new display.

  • Floating windows are overlayed on top of your current display. Its selection is linked to the current display. If you click on the current display or other floating windows, it will remain open. Floating windows can be moved within the current display, but cannot be moved out of bonds as a new display.
  • Click on the maximizing button to display a floating window as a full-screen window. It will close all other windows, including your current full-screen window. The full-screen window will take up all of the available place within your current display.
  • If you choose to create a New Display, all windows in that display will be independent from the original display. If you select elements in one display, it will not be selected in the other. You can move your additional display to another monitor or use it in split screen.

When you choose to open a new window, it will display in either full-screen or floating, based on your current display size. Smaller displays trigger a default full-screen window, while larger displays result in floating windows.

Quick Help

The quick info section displays information about any parameter of your preset when pointing the mouse cursor at it. When available, the OSC command of the parameter will be shown.

Each parameter is also associated to a quick link. Hover for a few seconds of any parameter in the inspector, and a light bulb will appear. Click on it to access the corresponding documentation section.

Logs Warning

Whenever some information is printed in the logs (due to an error or a wrong configuration), the logs warning icon will turn red. Click on it to display the logs and learn more about the error.

If you want to share the log with other users or support, you can download this as a text file.