Added click and drag to change data values in the inspector.
Added custom channels ordering in the mixer with a simple drag and drop.
Added a Lock option for presets, in the Preset Manager
Added the "Creation Date" in Preset Manager and Project Manager.
Added offline documentation and documentation links for parameters in the inspector.
Added listener orientation parameters in the inspector for Binaural buses.
Added a "New Display" option that opens a new window on native, or an new tab for remote control in a web browser.
Added a new "Link Mode" for Dynamics on multichannel audio objects.
Added display of the Sample Rate and Buffer Size when no project is loaded.
Improved Test Generator by showing the Speaker connected to the outputs.
Improved the interface for the Equalizer, the Dynamics, the Color Pickers and the Speakers Parameters.
Improved 3D Venue by removing the feature that would recenter the map when double clicking on an object.
Improved the default direct-to-master color for more readability.
Improved the "Transform Selection" and "Arrange Selection" by adding a separate menu to edit them.
Improved the user interface in "Light" mode.
Fixed the selection mode in the Inspector, to single selection by default.
Fixed the date sorting in Preset and Project Manager.
Fixed the preset content for speakers and groups, writing unnecessary values.
Fixed various minor visual issues in the user interface.
Fixed a bug when opening presets saved with a Test Generator channel higher than the current max output or input number.
Fixed an issue where, when no "HOLOPHONIX Project" folder existed when launching HOLOPHONIX, the Project Manager would not display newly created projects after the adding them.
Fixed an error with HOLOPHONIX Native's audio engine when AirPods were connected to the mac.
Fixed the inspector's drop-down menu to be in mono selection by default. You can perform a multiple selection by maintaining the shift key.
Fixed a crash when resizing window the Speakers Parameters and Multichannel Parameters.